Searching for Sugarman

Después del galardonado documental Searching for Sugarman, la expectación de ver a Sixto Rodriguez en directo fue enorme, generando largas colas en el Poble Espanyol de Barcelona.
En un formato mucho más íntimo que el Forum, Rodriguez se entregó al 100% a su público, descubriendo a sus 71 años qué significa ser un mito en un concierto completamente sold out.
Tocó muchas canciones que se conocen del propio documental, por ejemplo el que ya es un hit Searching for Sugarman, además de canciones que muchos recién convertidos a fans descubrieron durante el concierto.
Nosotros disfrutamos de una producción con un artista humilde que lleva su estrellato reciente con modestia y naturalidad.  

Searching for Sugarman
Due to the award winning documentary Searching for Sugarman, expectations were high to see Sixto Rodriguez live, generating massive queues at the Poble Espanyol in Barcelona.
The audience had the privilege to experience the concert in a much more intimate format than at the Forum, as previously planned, enjoying very special show with Rodriguez, who at the age of 71 is discovering what it feels like to be a musical icon.
The set list included many tunes people would have known from the documentary such as the reborn hit Searching for Sugarman, as well as tracks off different albums that people are just starting to listen to, even though they were edited over 30 years ago.  

We were able to enjoy a production with a humble artist who is living his recent stardom with complete modesty & naturalness.

Fuente video:dirtyrockeu
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