4 Years From Now, INSTALLATIONS!

We continue with the 2nd Edition of the 4YFN; but this time we will talk about facilities. Like last year, were offered different spaces for different needs of both exhibitors and attendees. In this Post we’ll tell you what were and what were used: In first place it was prepared an exhibition area with avenues and streets where entrepreneurs and …

Como estar en las nubes

Cada vez más estamos viendo instalaciones de nubes por todas partes. Nubes esponjosas, suaves, abstractas y de distintos colores y texturas que aparecen dentro de una habitación o en plena calle. Esta instalación de la japonesa Kohei Nawa a la cual ha llamado “Cloud”  es todo un espectáculo de luces y sombras que se puede recorrer y que sorprende por …