En la cuarta edición de 4YFN se ha seguido apostando por una solución creativa, innovadora y sostenible, valores esenciales de este espacio de encuentro y con el cartón como elemento clave en nuestros diseños de stands para start ups. Los módulos han llenado el espacio de 18.000m2 con su calidez y presencia, juntamente a tres escenarios, dos workshops y 2 …
4 Years From Now, INSTALLATIONS!
We continue with the 2nd Edition of the 4YFN; but this time we will talk about facilities. Like last year, were offered different spaces for different needs of both exhibitors and attendees. In this Post we’ll tell you what were and what were used: In first place it was prepared an exhibition area with avenues and streets where entrepreneurs and …
4YFN, Connecting Start ups !
4 Years From Now 2015 has been a success, 232 exhibitors and more than 8000 visitors have visited the fair at Fira Montjuic during 2, 3 and 4 March. Here entrepreneurs and investors have found a very suitable and innovative environment that invited to the conversation and the business. Walking around the area where startups presented their proposals were interviewing …