4 Years From Now, INSTALLATIONS!

We continue with the 2nd Edition of the 4YFN; but this time we will talk about facilities. Like last year, were offered different spaces for different needs of both exhibitors and attendees. In this Post we’ll tell you what were and what were used: In first place it was prepared an exhibition area with avenues and streets where entrepreneurs and …

Personaliza tu entorno con mobiliario #DIY

Ideas fantásticas para hacer el entorno urbano más humano. Desde bicis que son a la vez células de césped, hasta farolas convertidas en columpios o andamios transformados en espacio perfecto para sentarse un rato. Inspiraciones para intervenir y personalizar el espacio que nos rodea… “Parkcycle Swarm” en Copenhagen. Fuente: n55.dk Publicidad convertido en mobiliario urbano útil. Fuente: fastcocreate.com   Farola convertida en columpio. Fuente: Treehugger.com …