Robbie Williams embarked on an exciting musical journey through Europe in 2023 with his highly anticipated ‘XXV’ tour, a monumental celebration of his incredible 25 years of solo success.
On behalf of LD Eventos, we accompanied the tour in its passage through Spain and Portugal, taking care of the local productions of the concerts in Barcelona (2 concerts at Palau Sant Jordi), Lisbon (Altice Arena), and Fuengirola (Marenostrum Festival). Talking about Robbie Williams is to evoke an entire era, a generation that grew up with his music as the soundtrack of their lives. Iconic songs like ‘Let Me Entertain You,’ ‘No Regrets,’ ‘Rock DJ,’ or ‘Angels’ are just a small glimpse of the tracks Robbie revived in his electrifying concerts.
The show was also infused with his characteristic British humor and an exceptional connection with the audience. Robbie showed himself as a close and engaged artist with his fans, revealing his more human side in an unforgettable concert.
#RobbieWilliams #XXVWorldTour #DoctorMusicConcerts #PalauSantJordi #AlticeArena #FestivalMarenostrum #ConcertProduction #TourProduction
- Altice Arena
- Concert Production
- Doctor Music Concerts
- Festival Marenostrum
- Palau Sant Jordi
- Robbie Williams
- Tour Production
- XXVWorldTour