4YFN is the top event for the global tech start up community. Year after year the event has kept on growing and in its 5th edition it reached over 20.000 visitors and over 600 exhibitors and investors, filling 18.000 m2 of Barcelona’s trade fair pavillions. An all-embracing design concept was created in order to generate a coherent message and visual …
4YFN18 – to bee or not to bee
4YFN is a must for the Global Tech start-up community. This year, with the fifth edition in Barcelona, more than 20.000 visitors came to see what’s new in the tech world and more than 600 exhibitors presented their ideas to the more than 600 investors in the 18.000 m2 hall 8 of Fira Monjuïc. The panel structure, representing a bee …
4YFN 2015: Ferias & Congresos
4 Years From Now is an international event for start-ups, organized by Mobile World Capital and GSMA, aimed to gather entrepreneurs and investors worldwide. The 2nd edition tripled last year’s attendee figures by surpassing 8000 attendees. If there is something that differentiates 4YFN, it is the great diversity of formats, from exhibition areas for start-ups and sponsors to small group …
4YFN16: Trade Fair & Conferences
4YFN (4 Years From Now) is one of the most innovative and fast growing events for connecting start ups with investors. This year’s third edition brought together over 12.500 visitors, 500 mobile start ups as well as over 275 speakers from all over the world. It’s an initiative promoted by the Mobile World Capital Barcelona and LD Eventos collaborated in …
More than 600 start-ups, from more than 145 countries, have found a place to express their ideas during three days in 4YFN. This edition has continued betting on a creative, innovative and sustainable solution, emphasizing the essential values of this encounter. Cardboard, being the main construction material of the start-up booths, has filled the 18.000m2 with its warmth and presence, …
Mobile Explorer Club 2016: Trade Fair & Conference
Mobile Explorer Club is an initiative promoted by GSMA for the future generation of mobile creators. LD Eventos was asked to design and produce the space that included two workshop areas, a relax and games zone, food areas, etc. The workshops were filled with lots of exciting contents such as robotics, engineering, apps, multimedia, generating an educational and fun experience. …
Stand de Cartón para Vortex en la feria de Windeurope
WindEurope Conference & Exhibition 2019 is the most important European event for wind energy. The trade fair took place at the BEC exhibition centre (Bilbao) and reunited around 8.000 asistants and over 300 exhibitors. We designed an exhibition from our CartonBuild product line for the brand Vortex . The objective was to create a very clean & minimalist look with a strong brand …
Smart City 4YFN Village: Fair
As the name indicates, the Fair Smart City is about intelligent cities. Cities where electric vehicles without a driver are used in public transport or where the air quality is measured through Big Data platforms…i.e., the future of the cities! 4 Years from now (project driven by Mobile World Capital Barcelona) was present with an own small village where urban …
EAU European Association of Urology: Anniversary & Convention
The EAU celebrated their 25th anniversary with a special event designed for the occasion. The convention took place at the FIRA of Barcelona and consisted in an awards ceremony as well as different artistic contents such as a shadow performance, marching bands, human statues, and many more.
4 Years from Now: Feria & Conferencias
Where will you be 4 years from now? The Mobile World Capital Barcelona launched 4YFN, an innovative event for start ups and entrepreneurs. The event coincides with the celebration of the Mobile World Congress, enrichening and expanding the usual program of the event. The first edition counted over 2,300 participants from 55 countries, 50 investors from all over the world …