LD + Barcelona + Sostenible

We’re very happy to announce that we are now members of Barcelona+Sostenible, a local network of organizations committed to improving environmental, social and economic sustainability in a collective and responsible way. We are looking forward to participate in the different activities and resources the platform offers, as well as getting to know like-minded companies and people in order to collaborate and grow together.

LD Eventos promotes sustainability as a key pillar in the design and production of events. We are very aware that events have a strong impact on the environment and we therefore believe that we have a collective responsibility to generate a change in the way of thinking and planning events. New event formats that integrate values of sustainability, social and environmental responsibility. Please take a look at our green rider to find out more.

With these ideas in mind we created Cartonbuild, sustainable solutions for the ephemeral world of events. Innovative event structures and spaces made out of cardboard that are re-usable and recyclable, generating less waste and carbon footprint.

We would be delighted to hear from you if you have any questions or would like to connect in order to generate and promote a more sustainable events sector.

#bcnsostenible #LDeventos #CartonBuild #SustainableEvents #NewFormats #collaboration #network